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Costs for Tipi Wills & Mediation

To find out our costs, we do not ask you to send an enquiry first, register your personal details first, leave your telephone number or email first.  You won't have to hunt around this website for an eternity to find the costs nor need a diploma to figure them out.  We aim to provide clarity, transparency and very competitive prices. If there is anything you need to know please call or email and we will get back to you as soon as we can.  Our contact details are not hidden away, they are displayed fully at the top on every page and you will speak to a real person not choose a number to do so. 


Facilitative & Transformative interpersonal mediation


Where there is no monetary value and agreement or resolution is needed:


We ask you to commit to a minimum charge of three hours:


Each party pays:


Family relations and disputes

relating to Wills & Estate Planning          £150 ph

Contentious Probate                               £200 ph


SME Business workplace resolution      £150 ph

SME Business disputes/contract           £190 ph


Medical workplace resolution                     £180 ph

Medical patient and healthcare disputes   £190 ph

Medical negligence disputes                     £200 ph


Community Disputes                                  £190 ph

For further types of dispute resolution please contact us to discuss


Mediations that lead to a further mediation to agree a settlement will incur the graded value of costs.  However you will receive a 25% discount on the additional mediation. 


A half day mediation consists of 4 hours

A full day mediation consists of 8 hours

Participants may ask for breaks any time they wish.  Its your day.


It is usual for payment for mediations to be paid 7 days prior to the mediation date. 


Pro Bono mediations are sometimes available on a weekly basis.  A two hour time slot per week can be available (but is subject to availability) for either one two hour mediation or two one hour mediations.  These are agreed subject to need and circumstances and you are invited to contribute to costs if you can.  (Outside costs will be chargeable such as venue hire which may be between £15 to £30 ph).  Zoom will have no additional charge.  Please enquire.

Mediation facilities are becoming mandatory in numbers of circumstances and its use continues to grow and the demand on mediators continues to grow.  Consider how taking advantage now of our organistion, to use this growing service, is going to benefit you or your organisation.  Disputes can impact on stress  time, resources, sickness, profits, productivity, salaries, court and solicitors fees are all areas negatively impacted when resolution cannot be found. 

Sometimes, once the mediation has taken place, it also acts as a futureproofing mechanism for your environment as it creates a better understanding of how people can resolve future issues themselves.  Generally speaking, the process of the mediation is a positive one for all participants as they discover how beneficial the process can be to them as individuals as well as creating the basis for the overall solution.  This therefore can create goodwill long into the future.  

Where a Mediation has a value for settlement :


Each party pays based on two parties.  Where there are families which is potentially more complex, please feel free to discuss :


                         online by video conference          Face to face


Total amount in dispute (£)


4,999 or less                                    £300                      £500


£5,000 to £24,999                           £500                      £750


£25,000 to £49,999                         £750                      £1,000


£50,000 to £249,999                       £1,000                   £1,250


£250,000 to £499,999                     £1,250                   £1,500


£500,000 to £999,999                     £1,500                   £2,000


£1,000,000 +                                  £2,000                   £2,500


£2,500,000 +                                  £2,500                   £3,000


£5,000,000 +                                  £3,000                   £4,000



Each party pays based on two parties.  Where there are families which is potentially more complex, please feel free to discuss


Mediations up to a value of £49,000 are generally expected to complete within a half day period, being 4 hours.  Values above this allow for more complex situations and allow for 8 hours being a full mediation day.  If the mediation needs to exceed the 4 or 8 hours (for example if settlement is close eg within an hour) we can agree a fee of the equivalent of the hourly rate for that days fee.  The additional payment will be made at the time.  In addition, further mediation can be discussed and agreed if required.


If, during your 4 hour mediation, you consider a half day will not be enough time and a day's mediation is now required, subject to availability, the mediation can be agreed to continue at the additional charge of £250 making the charges no more than the equivalent charge of the next band of fees from £50,000 to £250,000.


Please note that conversely, mediations can also be more successful than expected and conclude sooner than anticipated.


Note:  During or at the end of, a zoom mediation you may conclude a face to face mediation should or could now take place.  On occasion participants find toward the end of the mediation, in order to achieve agreement, or facilitate a truce or repair, that face to face is now necessary.  Please feel confident to suggest an in person meet and we will support exploring this.  (A 25% discount on a follow through mediation will be given whether face to face zoom or in person).

Mediation Costs


We have tried to be flexible and encouraging in pricing to encourage you to work through your mediation to a satisfactory conclusion.  If you would like to discuss further, please contact us.


Fees are invoiced and payable min 7 days prior to the mediation and extensions settled on the day

Any papers for the mediation must be provided 7 days prior

If your day mediation exceeds its 8hr time further time can be agreed on that day and paid at the time in order to complete as detailed above.


If your 1-4 hr mediation exceeds its half day time and time allows,  additional time will be charged at your day's hourly rate if it is agreed to continue (additional payment settled on the day).


If certain tasks or events are to be completed as agreed during the mediation, and you would like a second (or further mediation meetings) to conclude matters, you may book further or a finalising mediation at a discounted rate of 25%.


Any preparation and reading that is required is included in the costs.  If any additional work is needed beyond that which is usual to be prepared or included for the mediation we can discuss to agree an additional fee


Video meetings on the hourly rates are charged at the same rate as in person, of course there are no travel, time or hire expenses. 


Any venue hire is not included and as such will be added to your charge  


We generally work out of the Isle of Wight or London.  Travel costs will not be charged, but my time will be.  It is not usually necessary to charge for overnight accomodation but this may be the case if the usual accommodation is not available.


It is not uncommon for co-mediation to be required.  This will require two mediators and will therefore affect fees.  If this is the case, we will discuss.


Please feel free to discuss.  We aim to be as flexible as we can.

I have a background of working in the NHS, the legal profession, marketing and business in London, so I am familiar with the environments, their structures and personalities.  In addition I am also an Accredited Community Mediator.  My experience lends itself to an understanding and sensitivity that is useful in the types of mediation I offer as well as offering a mediator that all the participants may feel they can build trust to work with.

Documents purchased per person outside your Will to a value over £800 in a 6 month period will entitle you to a refund of the standard Will price of £99 where you have made a Will with us costing £300 and over

For example where a Will has been made with us to a value of £300 and over:

before discounts, a couple may organise to have (at the same time or over a 6 month period to spread costs) any combination of documents such as:

a Living Will each (£260), Lasting Power of Attorney for health and finance with Isobel's conditions  (£349 pp) and an Advance Life Care Plan each at £150 (and/or Right to Die at Home Planning with Document of Decisions at £130) which is £300, a total of £1,209

After discounts They will receive the couples discount on a Living Will so £210 (saving £50), a couples discount on Advance Life Care Plan so £250 (saving £50), Lasting Power of Attorney for both Health and Finance £50pp ie £100, a total of £299 pp thus a total of £1,059 a total saving of between £150 and £200  PLUS if you have also made a non standard Will (with a value over £300) the standard Will charges of £99 will be refunded making a total saving of £299.  The original bill of £1,218, after taking account of all the discounts would be £919.  Well worth taking advantage of.

This also works for a single person who has previously made a Will with us for over £300 :  You can do any combination of documents, but for example, a Living Will is £130, Advanced Care Plan Document  £150,  Health and Finance LPAs with Isobel's Conditions £599 which is a total of £879 so the £99 Standard Will refund applies making your overall bill for all the documents £780.  It is still great value on what is already really competitive pricing and that is from a professional taking the time to provide a thorough personal service to provide an effective will for your needs, not a large organisation that deals with swift processing, big overheads and big profits.

Wills & Planning

Document costs come with 45 minutes free to allow for instruction taking to produce your document.  For further in depth advice and discussion we can be engaged at the hourly rate, but only as you require.  Your draft document will be sent to you for approval.  If at that point we can see you may need to consider further options, we will include this in our covering letter, also at which point you may come back with further instructions or complete and sign your document.  This way, no further costs are incurred unless you choose.  All invoices are payable within 2-7 days).  Please take note of discounts and offers.


Advance Life Care Plan Document                      £150


Couple                                                                    £210

(fixed price includes 45 minutes planning and completion meeting if needed).


Right to stay and die at home planning

with Document of Decisions                        £130

​(fixed price includes 45 minutes planning)


Initial Consultation                                    Free               

Initial taking of instructions for a will           Free


Standard Will                                     £99

Standard Mirror Wills                         £178 (subject to client requirements)

(Includes Wholelife Review questionnaire when taking instructions)​


Additional Clauses                   From £80 

Variety of clauses such as a guardianship clause for children, pet protection and digital asset clause

(subject to client requirements)


Will Trusts                                          From  £275  

Discretionary Trusts   £275

(A gift of residue can be held for any period rather than being gifted outright, which can be useful when children are in need of protection such as drug or drink dependency)

Disabled Persons Trust  £350

(A gift of residue can be held for any period rather than being gifted outright, which can be useful when a child is disabled and will need ongoing support throughout their lifetime and this trust will not affect any means tested benefits they receive)

Life Interest Trust (sometimes known as a Protective Property Trust)  £400 per Will  £750 for married couples.   Puts the family home into trust for the children whilst allowing clients to live in the property

IOU Loan Trust                    £450

These are often used for unmarried couple to mitigate IHT.  It allows the surviving partner to "borrow" from the estate of the deceased thereby creating a debt to the estate potentially reducing IHT

Charity Discretionary Trust   £75

Pet Trust                               £150



Flexible Life Interest Trust      (FLIT)            £650

A particularly flexible type of life interest trust (IPDI) and a property trust combined which can be converted to a different type of trust at any point in the future.

​(subject to client requirements)


Severance Joint Tenancy                  £140


Lasting Power of Attorney for Health or Finance  £250

Isobel's Conditions                  £99

Discount of £50 pp where both health and finance LPA purchased

(fixed price includes the planning consultation subject to client requirements)


What others dont tell you up front : Non-standard Will :  may include additional costs of specialist clauses, trust clauses, consultations for planning depending on the complexity of your requirements.  May include expert's at their own rates eg accountants for specialist tax advice. 

May include costs of additional meetings if you ask for it

If mirrored it will receive a discount.  

Costs will only be incurred at the point instructions are commenced after the client has received and signed the Terms of Business and instructed us to commence work.


Standard hourly rate                          £125


Unhappy Beneficiary Consult            £99


1)   Support organising a Living Funeral    £140  (will include free advice if you wish on further planning eg Advance Care Plan, Right to Die at Home, LPAs, Living Will)


2)    Predeath Informal Preparation Session

1 hour of advice and discussion followed up with

summary in writing                                             £125


3)    Life Support Service

From notification of a death


(subject to client requirements covers approx 3hrs work  saving min £110)

(invoiced within 7 days of booking and payable within 7 days of the invoice)


4)   Three in one: Prebooked Life Support Service   £360

gives three services in one creating a saving of  between £170 - £220 depending on whether you use one extra service or both

Includes extra services of : 

a)   support with a Living Funeral, funeral plans and/or Wake, and/or

b)   include a predeath Informal Preparation Session


Support where there is protracted probate and/or complications :  This can be agreed at the usual hourly rate or a flat fee discussed dependent upon your needs.  If you are in a disputed situation you may discuss mediation.  Difficulties can be referred to our Probate experts.


All govt and external fees or costs will be charged in addition to our prices

We are not registered for VAT so charges will not have VAT added


Living Will/Advanced Decision        £130

(Includes Advance Statement free)

Couple                                             £210

(does not include optional registration fee although due to unusually long waits of at least 90 days at times, currently we recommend you do go ahead and register in advance of when or if, it may be required)

(fixed price includes 45 minutes planning consultation subject to client requirements)



Letter of Wishes                                                       £120

(Includes one to three items/wishes such as funeral instructions and disinheritance instructions, thereafter it is £60 per additional item)

(If Letter of Wishes is being created with a Will at the same time, this planning will receive a discount)



Registration with the National Wills Register  £50 (costs subject to NWR updating charges)

We believe this is a must.  Executors and beneficiaries can be unaware of the whereabouts of a will so this ensures that there is execution of the will; that it therefore is correctly distributed; and ensures the whereabouts of the will is known helping to avoid any intentional supression of a will.  We will store your certificate of registration with the will and you will be sent copies and a storage card for your wallet for free.  Please also consider use of the Advance Care Plan to centralise, store and record important documents. 

We will keep you on our diary to send regular will reviews (usually annually) to give you the opportunity to ensure your will stays up to date also for free.


We reserve the right to change the prices or pricing structure at any time.  The price agreed with the client will remain.

Costs Planning for your Will and further documents


Aside from your Will, some documents may not be time critical.  You may have considered your position and would like to put in place certain documents but spread the costs over a few months or the year.  If that is the case, you can ask us to diarise to automatically send you a reminder in a month, or year, or time of your choice, even stipulating what situation or document you may be considering for the preparation of the next document. 


You will see there is a discount and refund package above to provide for documents produced within a 6 month period.



Please ask us about this service.


Be in control.  Be Certain

Trained by and Member of both Society of Wills Writers and Estate Planners & Society of  Mediators

Supports living your best life
Life Care Planning with trio of  services to support your welfare needs

Tipi Wills & Mediation Services

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