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Too Young for a Will

Three Real Life Case Studies Involving Young People


Will be continously updated with more case studies to come

What happens if people die in the "wrong" order?


It can become complex, especially if great care is not taken in drafting your Will, as you will see from the linked article.  You may have a child that dies before you, leaving their own children, so what happens to their inheritance or those precious items you want to go to your grandchildren only? 


Section 33 of the Wills Act 1837 provides for gifts to be distributed to the children of the deceased.  But, as you can imagine, this is not always straighforward and why would you choose to actively exclude S33?


Please consider the following real life scenarios when thinking how you may like your Will to enact your wishes exactly as you had intended.  For expert advice on how this applies to you, please consult with us so we can make your Will exactly as you want.


Real life difficulties and questions surrounding grandchildren inheriting.  (With thanks to the Society of Will Writers and Estate Planning Practitioners for this article).


Be in control.  Be Certain

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