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Prepare for the Future with a NEW practical, straightforward way to systematically put all your healthcare wishes and legal documents together in one place.  Book a consult today

​Dealing with the practical, emotional and medical needs for yourself or a loved one, of any age, all at once can be challenging.  Add to that the fact that there are no plans or instructions for healthcare professionals or family members, and maybe adult social care are now needed to create a solution, and it becomes even more challenging.  It is often not an easy thing to address or talk about.  Let us help you put these things in place, making it as stress free and streamlined as possible, and take the anxiety out of it.


Preparing and planning for your future is one of those things where a relatively small investment in time put in now, can provide a huge return later.  Preparing for the future checks so many tick boxes, I can't list them here.  You do know though, that it takes the pressure off everyone, provides certainty and control and ensures you or your loved ones wishes are known.  Start your journey with an Advance Care Plan and let the rest slot into place. 

Life Care Planning


By zoom or in person.  Our services work around you.

Tipi Wills & Planning have developed an Advance Care Plan document in the same way you can organise an Advance Directive if anything should, or has happened to youIt also acts as a centralised and accessible safe place to store or record important healthcare and legal documents.  This would form part of your complete Life Care Plan to ensure you have put all the necessary documents in place.   You may need this now, imminently or are preparing yourself for the future.  Do this while you are able and have the physical and mental strength to organise, well ahead of time.


The time to do your Life Care Plan and ACP?  Anytime.  Over 40?  You can start.  Over 50?  Definitely.  Over 60 and it should be in place.  It is incredibly common for it to be too late to prepare all this easily.  Suddenly social services and carers are involved, seeking advocates, family to become involved and there are no attornies and no healthcare directions.  It effectively starts when it is too late.  For hospitalisation or care, information is loaded onto the computer and invariably they have to leave blank this vital information, because it is unknown, even if in place.  All agencies involved in your care want you to have the best care and to have prepared in good time.  This has little to do with how healthy and fit you are and how great your life is.  Anything can happen at any time.


If you are planning on doing something risky, already have, or are diagnosed with illness, accident or injury, that is a very good time to undertake your Life Care Plan because it focusses your mind.  If you think this is hard to face now, imagine trying to face it after an accident, onset of serious illness or when you are 80, ill, confused, overwhelmed, when everyone else is trying their best on your behalf.



An Advance Care Plan :

i)  would give clear personal instructions to your family and any carer or health professionalThis enables you to direct organising your care, wants and particular needs

ii)  would provide a framework that healthcare givers can comply with in respect to legal obligations regarding your care. 

iii)  take a large burden off family knowing you have given your clear instructions that are in an accessible central place.  (This is an area that can get so challenging that the hospital may need to call in legal or mediation services where families can fracture sometimes irreperably.  It is not an area to be underestimated).

iv)  Provide you with an opportunity to consider the legal documents you might need in place to complete a whole Life Care Plan to include a Living Will, Powers of Attorney, Document of Decisions, up to date Will.


We provide you with a sectioned folder, that you can make as personal as you wish, to include pictures of you and loved ones; your life or work history, family, as a child or parent or friend or partner; notes of happy memories, all of which help carers to talk with you about things that are important to you and help if you feel low.  Your food preferences, your entertainment likes and dislikes regarding tv and radio for example, your self care such as hair and nails, footcare and any host of preferences that make you comfortable and happy.  You may keep it short and succinct and/or consider it an ongoing record.  Add things to it as you go along and then keep it with you should you get ill and/or go into care.


Consult us whenever you like to update or amend. 


An ACP can also be used as a keepsake for those that love you too as you use it a Smart Scrap Book too.



This page contains lots of information on this and the Life Care Plan as does the Advance Care Plan page.  Just call or email to discuss if you prefer.


The Advance Care Plan stores each of your documents containing your important instructions in one central place.  It notifies where other important private documents and information are stored such as your Will (another document prone to going missing), passwords, digital assets, financial account information and so on. 


It is important to store together with your Living Will / Advance Directive because sometimes it cannot be found.  There are cases where a Living Will came to light later, buried deep in GP records, which was quite a problem for the health carers because unwittingly they were contraveneing the patient wishes, ie breaking the law.  Any medical carers are bound by it so cannot carry out care against your wishes.


The Advance Care Plan can also contain:

a)  Full details regarding : health, diet, beliefs, emergency contacts, photographs, likes, dislikes, wants and needs, memories, section with details & personal directory of important people, telephone numbers of places important to you like the vet, hairdressers, cafe, social meets, (a community garden or regular coffee/lunch meets, church friends, for example to support your social structure as you age/are ill).  It may be important to easily access important contacts as you age or are ill and it helps if your carer/family members know too, also AgeUK befriending service; particular support or helplines; food delivery; gardener; and so on.  Our sections guide you.


It's very flexible so you choose when and if, what sections you fill in now or maybe certain information later and/or amend as needed later.  It will depend on your current or anticipated circumstances and you can take as much time as you need after completing [basic] details with us.  You may take as long as you need to develop a full picture. 



               Only you know you as well as you do.



An ACP will store :

a) Your Living Will/Advance Directive

b)  A Document of Decisions (in Right to Die at Home and perhaps other Planning)

c)  Lasting Power of Attorney details

e)  details of where your Will is stored

f)  whereabouts of any other important details such as passwords, digital assets and accounts


These documents will give you a chance to consider things you may not have yet considered, but which are actually really important to you.  For example, where you want to be if you were at the end of your life, who would you want there, if there is anything you want close to you, what you do not want if ...., whether there are religious values and actions you would like or indeed non religious ones.  Please ask us about this.


Whilst we cannot control everything that happens in life, there are certain things we can, and this is definitely one that simplifies what is usually a very difficult time.  It may be temporary or permanent or end of life but it is something we all need to attend to.



      Plan now to live your best life whatever happens.



Rather like a "smart" scrapbook, you can encourage your whole family to participate or keep as a personal project. 


Timing can be hard.  An accident or serious illness, whether sudden or long term, can mean it is difficult to put your mind to such things as this kind of planning.  Feel reassured that we can guide and support you all the way through, addressing difficult subjects and details, putting all you need together over a period of time that suits you.


Consider the Life Support Service.  Please ask us if you are interested in using this service.


We give a sensitive, experienced and strong supporting hand.  We look at the number of decisions and choices ahead, what tasks there may be and some of the decisions that might need to be made.  Some of these are often unexpected and so can be particularly challenging.  We will also look at who is making the decisions and whether necessary documents are in place to prepare in case capacity is lost or help is required.  We will consider personal wishes, funeral arrangements and the preparation for that. Experience shows us that preparing for what may or will happen next, rather than trying to deal with things when they are at their most emotional or stressful is what most clients would have preferred.  We are always available for further discussions on difficult subjects before, during or after difficult times.  We do believe in the human aspect of personal relationships and support.


An important part of creating an Advance Care Plan is to protect you from feeling dehumanised in any way, either through  accident, sudden or progressive illness.  

Your ACP therefore, provides a complete care and legal package that prepares you for the futurethat enables you to consider the legalities, personal wishes and needs, practical measures, faith and religious beliefs, temporary or end of life care wishes and will form part of your Life Care Planning and relevant documents.  Whether it be used during a period from which you recover or rehabilitate, or through a period which becomes your best end of life care, anyone looking at your Advance Care Plan will see a full package of information which can be updated at any time.

Life Care Planning 

Whilst your Advance Care Plan, your Living Will, Document of Decisions (with planning for Right to Die at Home) and Health Lasting Power of Attorney, can all be done individually and at differing times, your can Prepare for the Future by creating an Advance Care Plan.  You can work through all the documents you need which can be spread over time.  This ties in then with your Will which should always be considered time critical and important to do.  Note the discounts that are available to aid you with this and how you can spread the costs.


We have spent some time developing this service so that we can take the strain and stress out of Preparing for the Future.  This, ACP folder, with all your necessary documents, stays by your side if you go into hospital or care, short term or long term. They are flexible documents which can be updated and changed at any time.  Ultimately, whether you are planning care in the forthcoming months, or the forthcoming years, or the unforseen happens, you will have created an Advance Care Plan which includes all these important instructions, wishes and documents.  Don't feel overwhelmed.  We work with you to keep it as streamlined as possible.


You will receive guidance from us with pointers on how to consider what is needed when we work with you to create :

- Advance Care Plan

- How to choose who might be your financial or health power of attorney(s)

- A Living Will /Advance Directive

- Document of Decisions

  (that comes with the Right to Die at Home planning)


(all of which you keep in the Advance Care Plan folder we provide)

Click here for an image of what that looks like)


The Life Care Plan will look at whether your Will is up to date.  We can make or  review an existing one.  We consider the various things that may arise when you do. In addition we consider what attornies you may need and who is best placed to be an executor. You can see why you may want a long lasting support system from us to ensure a complete service.


Further, dont forget, we know how difficult it can be sometimes to overcome difficult situations to get these things in place.  We provide a service for that too.  Consider our Empowered to Talk service.  We aim to give you a "start to finish" service that supports you putting your affairs in order.


You may consider whether you wish to structure your assets in such a way as to provide for your future and whether a financial advisor or tax expert is also required.  You may be considering a trust to protect property, assets and people.  This really is a thorough consideration of your position and wishes.



The content of your planning may well be dependent on your age.  A form of Life Care Planning can be done at any age and simply kept under review and updated.  For example, a younger person or family may decide to consider some form of investment or savings plan to Prepare for the Future.  We aim to be a long term support solution. 


Whatever the decisions, we will record for you and aid you putting your plan together by working with the right professionals as you need.  You may begin your Advance Care Plan and it can grow with you if you wish.  An older person may have other considerations such as managing existing assets, considering the liquidating of some, investing further and include inheritance and tax planning.  You may also consider listing the existence of assets and accounts and keeping that securely with your other documents privately.  A Will becomes a document of public record so you may like to keep private information seperately and/or with a Financial Power of Attorney, and/or with your legal professional.  We can store copies of all information on your secure digital file.


Your Advance Care Plan provides a central point where all documents can be found.  Note that it is important to take care to keep certain information private, which now includes your digital asset information but make sure your attorneys have your passwords!


The topic of your home and local authority fees, it is not an area where accurate information and support are easily obtainable or given, and you will likely be given misleading and incorrect information.  We can therefore signpost you to services that can identify and advise surrounding Continuing Health Care and defining what is medical and social care to help you make more informed choices when instructing us. 





A pensions advisor and/or accountant may be needed to complete your planning and we will work with you on that.  You may wish to consult for further discussions and/or conversations with your bank or building societies so you are fully aware of your financial options.  All financial advice must be given by a regulated advisor. Information can be stored securely with your Financial Attorney and/or Executor for example, and your Advance Care Plan will record who that is and what it is they have.  We will see this planning through from the start to completion of your documents and can aid you in keeping all under review and updating as necessary.



An Advance Care Plan can be succinct and fairly quickly prepared or it can be a full and ongoing plan that could become a keepsake record too.  We will provide you a wallet sized card that show what documents you have in place.  As you will see on other places on this site, our aim is to support you to have your best life whatever happens.


Therefore, your Advance Care Plan can record a wide range of medical choices, care and personal information including photographs, your likes, dislikes and a range of preferences.  It will record or store whether you have prepared any other legal documents like a Will, Living Will/Advanced Directive, Powers of Attorney, Document of Decisions, other important financial and/or digital asset information and where they might be found.  (This will be a great help to all the people you have nominated to care for you and your affairs.)  Your Advance Care Plan is therefore invaluable.


Life Care Planning will consider all the aspects that come together to make a complete and thorough life care plan and you choose what you would like to do and when.


Note : Research into Life Care Planning whilst formulating and developing this service, revealed what a minefield of misinformation this currently is.  It also revealed how unscrupulous some folk are in selling you things you just may not need.  We consider a modern, ethical way to go about business is to identify your actual needs and see how they can be provided for.  We advise you objectively without bias to any product. 


There is a great deal more to know in this difficult ever evolving area.  However, resources to support the client have also now been identified.


Our initial role here, is to advise and guide you into ensuring you understand the options.  This enables you to make informed choices in instructing us and completeing documentation. 


There are whole legal organisations devoted to the recovery of funds given over to local authorities under the misguided belief the inidividual had to pay.  Hundreds of thousands are recovered.  We've yet to see how it pans out with a costs cap finally now on health care, ie whether it is seen to be a soft mandate that you must pay for all care, social or medical, because that is just not the case, but time limits have now been put onto claims.


The sick elderly are entitled to full and proper medical care paid for by the NHS in the same way as anyone else.  We are passionate about this subject particularly because of the exploitation and fear surrounding it.  It was the research and shocking discoveries surrounding this that actually led to the founding of all our planning services.


If you are obliged to pay for care, and that is ONLY if it is deemed social care, and therefore falls under the Local Authority's remit, you then have a number of options, which again does not mean you have to automatically lose your home.


Whilst we cannot advise on this area, you will be signposted to certain organisations for information gathering and further (free) consultation with them as needed (ie they are the experts) according to your needs and concerns.  In terms of the planning and advice we do together, once you are armed with the information you need, we will meet again to discuss and carry out your instructions.  If your circumstances indicate it, we consider this is necessary to enable you to be fully informed as to instruct us on what you need, such as various types of trusts and how to best use your assets and plan for Inheritance Tax and Prepare for the Future.


Our Wholelife and Life Care Planning therefore, is a rounded service, that does not involve scaring you into thinking you must purchase an expensive trust to protect your property, (which in itself has led to a huge number of problems for some people).  If it is appropriate, we will certainly recommend types of trusts which may help you.  However, it is our view that correct professional advice should be independent and objective and based on good truthful information in so far as possible at the time. This enables you to instruct us from a more informed position and reduces the risk of poor consequences for both you and us.


To discuss book a consult with us today and set your plans in motion.

Note : You may have concerns that your loved one is or was incorrectly classified as needing social care but has medical conditions.  The result may be property was, or is to be sold, to provide for large amounts of funds to be given to a local authority to pay for care.  The cap that has finally been put on this of £80,000 can lead you to feel you are obliged to pay for care based on age, but this is not the case.  It is important that it is recognised NHS care correctly continues for the elderly.  If you have concerns we can put you in touch with an organisation that advises on how to deal with these issues and can indeed organise refunds of incorrectly paid sums, although there is now a time limit on claims, no doubt due to their success.  It is therefore important to be fully informed and able to feel you have a say in health care assessments.  If you have concerns in this area please contact us and we will put you in touch.


Whether its a tipi or a castle it's your home


Be in control.  Be Certain

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